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Their first science tour at Novo Theatre

On this day, arranged a study tour for 30 enthusiastic female orphans, all students of classes from 4-11. Accompanied by 5 senior adults and teachers from their community, who acted as their guardian for the entire tour, this represents a group of passionate students who traveled all the way from their rural village to attend their life’s first science tour.

As they were hustled across the city to Novo Theatre, the bus environment was soaring with anticipation.

“This is my first time in Dhaka city and I never felt such energy at the streets. I am very excited about what I will see today,” expressed a student from class 6.

The people of the Novo Theatre were very kind as they showed them into the auditorium, where all of the kids experienced their first time motion-picture on a big screen, mainly highlighting the galaxy.

“I was so excited yet so scared by the big projection of planets. It made me feel very small. But I feel grateful to now know how the planets look into the space; all these days it was just in my imagination, and in reality, it is very different,” said a 7th grader.

With buzzing excitement, they left the hall. Everyone was hushing in awe and giggling for the rest of the tour. They were given a quick tour of the entire Novo Theatre. At the end, they were ushered into the 5D showroom and that was their biggest undoing moment. Laughing, giggling and screaming, each and every kids were at the edge of their comfort zone. Nonetheless, from the look on their face and their giggles as we departed, it was very obvious that this is one kind of experience that will take a long time for them to forget.

“Being the senior student of this batch, I feel very grateful that I am part of this study tour because our school in the village was not equipped with this facility,” expressed a 11th grader. “Moreover, most of the girls of my age in the village are already married with kids now and have never stepped into the Dhaka city or have seen this part of life. So I am very grateful to the team who made it possible for us. Besides, I have learned so much by visualising and experiencing it, I know I will not forget the science of the universe.”


From the Editor's Desk

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